
Cats Effects has redesigned the type classes provided in version 3, and this aspect affects us in the way that we use the type class Clock[F].



In the previous version, if we wanted to use a Clock, we need to add in the bounded context in order to have a new implicit parameter.

  private def failed[F[_]: Clock: Functor](error: Throwable): F[Item] = {
    Clock[F] { now =>
        error = Error(error.getMessage, now)),
        state = EXCEPTION,

And, how to test the above code to verify that the output of the function returns the desired result?

Effectively, using mocks.

    it("should include the time and message when marked as failed") {
      val item          = ItemBuilder().succeeded().build()
      implicit val clock = mock[Clock[IO]]

      clock.realTime(*) returnsF TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(50, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

      val failedItem = item.failed(new RuntimeException("Test error")).unsafeRunSync()

      failedItem.state shouldBe EXCEPTION
      val error = failedItem.error
      error.message shouldBe "Test error"
      error.dateTime shouldBe LocalDateTime.from(Instant.ofEpochSecond(50).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()))

Migrating to Cats Effects 3

Now, Let’s go to check how to use the Clock type class with the new version of the library.

class PurchaseAnItemUseCase[F[_]: Sync] {  

  private def generateItemPurchasedEvent(item: Item): F[PurchaseAnItem] = for {
      now <- Clock[F].realTimeInstant
      event = ItemPurchasedEvent(
          itemReference = item.identifier(),
          at = now
    } yield event


The looks quite similar but with a significant change, the Clock type class is not present in the bounded context.

Now, we have the problem, How I can inject a mocked clock?

Cats Effects provide a runtime that can be mocked to use with fibers, callbacks, and time support.

You need to add the following dependency to take advantage of this feature:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect-testkit" % "3.3.7" % Test

With the TestControl class, you can “advance in the time” so, taking this into account, if you go to a certain period of time and use the Clock[F].realTimeInstant, in fact, we are mocking a timer.

Let’s check an example:

Scenario 1:

Given an item, when the item is purchased, an event should be published.

      private val duration: FiniteDuration = FiniteDuration(Instant.parse("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z").toEpochMilli, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

      it("should publish an ItemPurchased event") {
        val item     = anItem()
        val expected = itemPurchasedEvent(item)
        gateway.doRequest(item) returnsF item.asRight[Throwable]
        eventPublisher.publish(expectedEvent) returnsF (())

        (TestControl.execute(subject.doPurchase(item)) flatMap { control =>
          for {
            _ <- control.advanceAndTick(duration)
            _ <- IO {
              eventPublisher.publish(expectedEvent) was called
          } yield ()

We’ll put the focus on the lines after the //when

  • Decorate our subject or program with the test runtime provided by Cats.

  • We have the power to do a journey through time. We are going to travel to 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z

  • Add an assert wrapped into the IO context since we are using the IO context in the whole test.

  • Execute the subject or program plus the time journey plus the assert.

The main aspect to take into account is the TestControl class and the adavanceAndTick function.

Okay, that seems a little verbose but okay, we can test our code to verify that an external component is invoked.

But now, let’s go further and verify the output of a function.

Scenario 2:

Given an item, when the item is purchased, it should return the purchased item

  private val duration: FiniteDuration = FiniteDuration(Instant.parse("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z").toEpochMilli, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
  private val kleisli                  = new (Id ~> IO) { def apply[E](e: E): IO[E] = IO.pure(e) }     

     it("should return a confirmed item") {
        val item          = anItem()
        val expected      = itemPurchasedEvent(item)
        val confirmedItem = item.confirmed()

        gateway.doRequest(item) returnsF item.asRight[Throwable]
        eventPublisher.publish(expectedEvent) returnsF (())

        (TestControl.execute(subject.doPurchase(item)) flatMap { control =>
          for {
            _     <- control.advanceAndTick(duration)
            item  <- control.results
            _ <- IO {
              item.value.mapK(kleisli).embed(IO.pure(item.failed(TestingPurposeError))) shouldBe IO.pure(confirmedItem)
          } yield ()

We’ll put the focus on the lines after the // when

  • Decorate our subject or program with the test runtime provided by Cats.

  • We have the power to do a journey through time. We are going to travel to 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z

  • Obtain the result of our subject. The type of the item variable is Option[Outcome[Id, Throwable, Item]]

  • Line 20: The magic is here: I’m going to describe each operation step by step.

    • Extract the value of the Option using OptionValues trait.

    • Using Kleisli, map the monad from Id to IO since we are using IO.

    • At this point, we have the following type: Outcome[IO, Throwable, Item] and we want to extract the Item object. The Outcome type class is designed to model fibers execution status.

      sealed trait Outcome[F[_], E, A]
      final case class Succeeded[F[_], E, A](fa: F[A]) extends Outcome[F, E, A]
      final case class Errored[F[_], E, A](e: E) extends Outcome[F, E, A]
      final case class Canceled[F[_], E, A]() extends Outcome[F, E, A]
    • The Outcome type class provides an embed function with the aim of returning the result of the fiber or a fallback provided just in case the fiber is canceled. So, with the following statement: item.value.mapK(kleisli).embed(IO.pure(item.failed(TestingPurposeError))) we are extracting the item from the fiber result wrapped into IO.

    • The final step is to add an assert to verify that the output is the desired one.


  • Using TestControl.execute(F[A]) and control.advanceAndTick(duration) you can mock the time of the test execution.

  • The test is decorated with an IO, so you have to execute unsafeRunSync at the end of the TestControl statement.

  • To extract the value from the fiber could be a little tedious and verbose. item.value.mapK(kleisli).embed(IO.pure(item.failed(TestingPurposeError)))

  • Kleisli is like a Monad transformer.